• Tnea
    Code 1399

Center for Biomedical Engineering and Research

Center for Biomedical Engineering and Research

The Center of Excellence For Biomedical Engineering and Research (COEBER) is one of the best outstanding lab at CIT started in association with world no #1 company BIOPAC systems, Inc, USA and Gentech Marketing and Distribution (p) Ltd, India. The COEBER Laboratory is an innovative facility that is dedicated towards understanding the human physiological functions using BIOPAC data acquisition systems The COEBER is a facility rich in evidenced- based practice and prides itself on mentoring undergraduate students, doctoral students, in hands on access to modern human physiological analyses and design using the curriculum-based research pedagogical approach. The COEBER houses the most advanced equipment like MP36, MP45, MP160 (Wireless) for ECG/EEG/EMG/EOG, Pulse Transducer, BP Cuff Transducer, Air Flow Transducer and Respiratory Effort Transducer (Wireless) that offers a high impact human physiology experiments which can measure cardiovascular, muscular, pulmonary and neural responses that fosters the skills necessary for the students to examine and interpret issues related to human physiology from an evidence-based perspective that helps them to solve the real-world problems involving human health and medicine.

Admission 2024